Friday, March 24, 2006

War is Self - Consumption

war is self-consumption
the perverse misdirection
of male sexual energy
masturbating itself in the rape
torture and death of women
those who practice it go blind and insane

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Poor

you who are poor
you who are destitute
where do you go
and what do you do

when you have no work
and your food is gone
what do you do
where do you go

some say you should leave
you should abandon your home
and go somewhere else
where there is work and food

how do you start on your journey
and what compells you to travel
when you have no money
and there is no food in your leather bag

who will be there to greet you
and who will give you work and food
will they be kind and generous
or will they work you to death

and what if your language is different
how will they understand you
will they love you for being different
or will they fear and mock you

what will you think once you arrive starving
will you be kind when you are hungry
or will you become callous and hard
sheilding your heart from the insults and degradation

who will assist you and take you in
and who will offer you anything
will your countrymen who are struggling
and your brethern who left before you

what if you are an orphaned child
and what if you are old and sickly
what if you are a strong young man
and what if you are a woman